Re: [orca-list] Editing video

Hello Andy,

I have just installed openshot. It has a QT based UI. I haven't yet got a chance to load a video file in openshot but from some initial testing it appears it may not be as accessible as pitivi.

Can I please ask a few things?

How much eye sight you have got? Do you need screen reader at all times when working with computers?

Can you give a few hints on how to trim a video in openshot or any other simple action that might allow me to understand better if I can make some use of it too?



Dňa 15.05.2018 o 20:57 Andy Borka napísal(a):

What about openshot? I installed it and it looks good so far.


On 05/15/2018 10:25 AM, Peter Vágner wrote:

A few years ago I have used avidemux to do some simple video cutting, trimming and reencoding of video files. If this is enough for your task you might be able to do the same.
Also I believe you will be able to use some filters such as resize if you know what you are doing.
Of course for filters that include color correction and different video effects you will need a sighted help no matter what editing tool you will end up using.

Today I've just taken a look at pitivi. Although it has a lot of keyboard focusable controls, labelled controls and keyboard shorcuts I think its track selection is not accessible with orca so it will be limited too much for us.
Still I plan to reads its help to possibly discover more.



Dňa May 15, 2018 1:13:32 AM UTC používateľ sonfire11 gmail com napísal:



I have some video projects to finish. Is there an app that lets me edit videos with Orca?


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