Re: [orca-list] Debian Accessibility

Dear friends, this was another failure. I think it's the fourth distribution I am trying to install, equally unsuccessful. After pressing s than enter, ESpeak says: "Please type enter to use this soundboard" That's all. I pressed enter again, and waited for about 15 minutes, nothing happened. No voice feedback when pressing either tab, or up/down arrows, nothing at all. I had to forcefully turn off the computer, and tried again on another machine, an unused laptop I'm having around. Exactly the same scenario, so I thought I'd report back to this list, maybe someone will be able to somehow use this information.

As for myself, I think I wasted enough time and energy for the time being. It's totally back to Windows 10. It's not free for sure, and has its drawbacks, but at least I can go beyond the first installation screen, totally independantly. Linux wasn't meant to be, although I admit I was very enthusiastic when I started reading about it. Anyway, it seems there are people here who had more luck, so I do wish you all a pleasant journey on the Linux ship.

All the best,


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