[orca-list] Microsoft acquisition of github, effect on orca

(Note I changed the subject to something informative for others who might search on this topic.)

There have been a number of articles posted about the upcoming acquisition announcement. While there hasn't 
been an official announcement from Microsoft and GitHub themselves, and acquisitions can take a while to pass 
all the regulatory hurdles, it is being treated as if it is going to happen.

There was an announcement not long ago about the gnome project moving to gitlab. I assume that would (or 
will) include orca. Gitlab is quite viable as an alternative to github, regardless of what anyone thinks 
about github as a platform -- and whether that sense is based on accessibility, other technical, or 
philosophical concerns.

On Monday,  4 June 2018,  9:28 am -0400, Christopher Gilland <clgilland07 gmail com> wrote:

So, I just heard from a very reliable source in the blind community who actually directly works for the 
Microsoft Accessibility team, that github is being acquired by Microsoft. Please tell me this is a joke! 
What will that do for devs like Joni etc. who need a centralized place to host their source code for things 
like Orca? Will we be much effected, or is it to early on at this point to really know.



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Will Estes
westes575 gmail com

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