Re: [orca-list] Nautilus slowness update #2 (was update #1)


and thank you for your time spent with me and detailed answers.

Dňa 25.04.2018 o 01:34 Joanmarie Diggs napísal(a):
- When changing folders rapidly (e.g. by pressing alt+left or alt+right> arrow keys) orca will sometimes 
freeze and I need to restart it in
order> to get it to work again.

This will need to be addressed in Nautilus and Caja. Still on my list.

- The same is very likelly to happen when using quick search feature
e.g. type a few letters of a filename, browse the list of icons and hit
esc key to dismiss the search. Sometimes orca will freeze.

I think this is now fixed in orca master, at least after updating this morning orca no longer freezes for me. I haven't rebuilt nautilus yet.

- A lot of buttons and radio buttons found when expanding Actions menu
is not keyboard accessible at all. Unfortunately using orca
Really? They all are accessible to me. Which ones in particular?

functionality to emulate mouse clicks is not working there either.
Mouse clicks with Orca is working for me. I'm using X and not Wayland.
Which are you using?
I'm also using X, clarification likelly comes where I'm talking about sorting files in nautilus.

concrete feature I am missing is ability to sort the list of files.
That's not physically in the actions menu. But you can sort the list by
shift tabbing one to move up from the list. The individual column
headers are not keyboard navigable. Yes they should be. In the meantime,
flat review and clicking via Orca works for me. Again, at least in X.
This is because I mixed all the nautilus quirks in a single message yesterday. When nautilus is switched to list view clicking column header does the sorting fine and thanks for the hint as this is the only way on how I can use the feature.
However when nautilus is switched into icons view I can do the following:
Make sure nautilus is in focus
Press F10 to expand an actions menu
Orca will announce something like "sort pressed, new folder button"
Pressing down arrow twice makes orca to focus a radio button reported as "A-Z radio button not selected" And by some tryal and error I have observed some inconsistencies with this group of radio buttons     When focusing them and pressing space bar the list of icons reorders however I'm not alerted to the fact something has happened, no radio button gets ever reported it-self as being selected, the Actions bar is not collapsed.     pressing the enter key activates selected icon in the list. Perhaps this is intended, so I won't argue I don't like it because a lot people might actually do like this.

- While I am at it activating orca's flat review in the nautilus main
window is very very slow, it takes a few seconds here. I suspect there
is a broken accessible objects hierarchy somewhere.
Actually, at least in the case of Nautilus, it was an Orca issue. Now
fixed. In the case of Caja, there is one additional issue which is
either in Caja or in AT-SPI2. I need to debug further.
This is fixed for me after upgrading orca. Thank you!

Given that you use Nautilus and I assume from your message are using
Nautilus master, mind trying the above with it and Orca master and X?
I am using the latest not yet released nautilus 3.28 branch and this is now mostly working fine for me except of that clarification related to sorting icons view.

In the meantime, moving on:

- In the nautilus preferences window there are some unlabeled controls
e.g. three comboboxes on the View tab that allow displaying extra
details for files in the icons view.
Confirmed. Needs to be fixed in Nautilus. Will try to get to that tomorrow.

I haven't looked to this my-self yet however if this is just setting some label-for or labelled-by properties in an UI file, I might try doing that in order to free you of too much nautilus if it might be helpfull.

- Those extra details are not accessible to orca. Displaying more than
the file name and file type is possible in the list view however it
looks as if list view display has not received this accessible event
cleanup and orca is more likelly to freeze for me when using nautilus in
the list view.
Not looked into yet. Will try to get to that tomorrow.

- When nautilus is switched to list view buttons for sorting the list
are not displayed or at least I can't find them when expanding actions
As I indicated above, I can't find that in the actions menu either. Only
in the column headers. Thus not an Orca issue.

- When nautilus is set to list view activating orca flat review takes
even longer and it's very likelly to completelly freeze for me.
As I indicated above, this is fixed for me in Orca master.
Yes, this is definatelly fixed.

Please let me know what you find. Thanks!

Thank you once again, that freeze was the most distracting issue. I must say I'm happy now.



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