Re: [orca-list] Thunderbird : when writing mail, Orca stops to read lines with link


I can reproduce it all the time.

The orca goes unresponsive and as soon as I try to exit it at-spi2 crashes.

I am not sure what triggers it because I am getting it all the time when the document content refreshes on gmail.

I'm running all the relevant libs with debug symbols included (at-spi2-core, glibc, glib2, libffi, pygobject, python) so I am going to send you all the debug stuff I was able to collect in a seperate message.
If you think I can provide more details, I will do that please let me know what to add or what to check if you know that.



2017-12-06 15:32 GMT+01:00 Joanmarie Diggs <jdiggs igalia com>:
I'm not seeing this problem. I'm using Orca master and Firefox nightly.
I can take a guess at a fix, but the fix I have in mind might also not
work. How reliably can you reproduce this bug?

On 12/06/2017 03:57 AM, Peter Vágner wrote:
> Hello,
> I am afraid this might be causing a huge regression when browsing the
> web with Firefox.
> Environment: Gnome 3.26, orca master (since 7c4971022), Firefox 57 or
> Firefox 59.
> Steps:
> - Go to <> and open a conversation from your
> inbox.
> - Make sure orca is running and providing the access to the gmail UI
> including the conversation you have just opened.
> - Now press the alt+left arrow instructing Firefox to move to the
> previous page.
> Results:
> Gmail inbox is displayed however orca stops responding. It fails to
> present the browser window and also all the other windows when switched
> into by pressing alt+tab key.
> More over I assume this might even be related to at-spi2-core because if
> I now press alt+super+s to toggle orca it will turn of with Screen
> reader off message but I can only get it toggled back on by running orca
> --replace.
> Expected result:
> I am expecting orca to not become unresponsive and continue reporting
> the web content and all the other windows when switched into them the
> same way it's doing in orca master up to 752d0443d .
> In other words orca master 752d0443d is working fine in regard to this
> issue and orca master 7c4971022 has issues.
> Thanks and greetings
> Peter
> 2017-12-04 13:00 GMT+01:00 Alex ARNAUD <alexarnaud hypra fr
> <mailto:alexarnaud hypra fr>>:
>     Hi Joanie,
>     I confirm that this bug is fixed in master. Thanks a lot !
>     Best regards.
>     --
>     Alex ARNAUD
>     Visual-Impairment Project Manager
>     Hypra - "Humanizing technology"
>     Le 02/12/2017 à 17:47, Joanmarie Diggs a écrit :
>         Hi Alex.
>         This is now fixed for me in master. Please test and let me know.
>         Thanks!
>         --joanie
>         On 12/02/2017 09:36 AM, Alex ARNAUD wrote:
>             Dear all,
>             Environment:
>             - Debian Sid updated
>             - Thunderbird 52.4
>             - Orca master
>             When I'm writing an HTML mail and when I add a link to a
>             line, Orca is
>             not longer able to read the line.
>             Steps to reproduce:
>             1) Open Thunderbird (GTK3 here)
>             2) Write a new mail (here in a new window)
>             3) Tab until to switch to the message body
>             4) Add the following line : "Hello world, I've difficulties
>             to write
>             HTML mail in a productive way"
>             5) Add link somewhere in two words of the line : maybe add a
>             link to "to
>             write" that target <>
>             5) Press the return key
>             6) Press up arrow
>             Result: Orca stays silent
>             Expected result: Orca should announce the line when the
>             caret moves on
>             Best regards.
>     _______________________________________________
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