Re: [orca-list] Orca doesn't identify links/indicate formatting on a website I'm building

Just realized something else today. I occasionally, once every few days or so, see the exact same behavior on Hacker News ( The site will load, but speak as if it is just a window of text. I do get a bit more formatting info since it (still!) uses tables for layouts, and that much seems to transfer into displaying things in lines. But I otherwise can't tab through page elements, and have to reload the page for a fix.

Further, I'm even seeing similar behavior on *Android*. Sometimes Firefox renders the page as text, and page elements don't speak their types nor can I double-tap them. It is as if every page element is text with which I can't interact. I recognize that Android is a different platform with a separate accessibility API, but I'm wondering if there's some broader Firefox bug at play where it just fails to update access technologies in certain circumstances. I'm hoping the debug log might help, but I still can't produce a distributable reproduction. But HN reliably fails for me on Android, though I've not seen it on other sites.

On 10/24/2016 06:27 PM, Nolan Darilek wrote:
Unfortunately not, that's what I meant when I said I couldn't find the threshold where it stopped happening. A simple project doesn't trigger it, but a complex project almost always does, even when I carve down the dependency tree. I'm hoping my debug log will help.

On 10/24/2016 06:21 PM, B. Henry wrote:
If you can't share the exact code, could you create a small sample page that duplicates the issue?

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