[orca-list] Chromim Startup--was Re: Antergos the next Arch alternative which works


In my antergos setup, I followed the steps below, and find that
chromium will not start with speech when executed from the overview,
but will have  chromevox sound effects.  If , instead, I launch
chromium from the 'run' dialogue or terminal, passing 


Chromium talks.  I've double-checked the contents of 


It looks correct.


Dave  H.

On Mon, 2016-11-21 at 14:39 -0500, Kyle wrote:
In Antergos, you 
should be able to simply run
yaourt -s chromium-chromevox
Then copy /usr/share/applications/chromium.desktop to 
~/.local/share/applications/chromium.desktop. Note that you may need
create ~/.local/share/applications before copying the file. Once you 
have a copy of the file, edit the Exec line so that instead of
Exec=chromium %U
the line shows
Exec=chromium --enable-speech-dispatcher %U
Now you can load Chromium from the overview and it will start

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