Re: [orca-list] more serious issues with Mate and Orca

The issue with mate not notifying you of changes is known. The problem
is, I don't know which component is to blame. If you restart orca, you
can read the new notification. For example, when you want an updated
battery reading, restart orca then go back over the panel. If you don't
want to do that every time, which is admittedly a pain in the neck,
press enter on the panel applet and a menu will pop up. In that menu,
there will be the name of your battery, which can sometimes be kind of
strange, followed by a percentage, and a preferences item which opens up
the power settings. If you press enter on your battery's label, it will
open up the power statistics screen with lots more info. I'm sorry about
lightdm. I don't know if ... what distro are you using? Which ever it
is, they're supposed to set this crap up automatically. If they don't, I
can easily tell you how to fix this. Open up
/etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf up in your favorite text editor,
and find the text "reader". After the equals sign, type in orca. Save
and close, then at the next log in, press f4. Orca should start and read
the login window. This is the reason why I've been advocating for a
standard shortcut for this stuff, and for it being automagically
configured, but no one listens to me, no one who can actually do
anything about it at least.
Kendell Clark

Krishnakant wrote:
Dear all,
I am really sad to report such serious issues so soon.
It has been just 1 day after I started using Mate.
But most important thing is that no matter what, lightdm does not
speak at all.
Now with Mate 1.10 I also see that notifications don't get update.
What I mean is that if there is some change I don't get the update.
I will give an example.
Right now my laptop is running on battery.  When I started it showed 6
hours 15 minits.
While I type this email it is already 1 hour into the usage and when I
press alt + ctrl + escape and then tab to battry icon I still see 99%
and 6 hours 15 mins.
I checked using acpi and got the real status which is certainly

So this means all is becoming static.
Same is for the network icon.
While just like Unity I get details on wifi when it gets connected, I
don't have any information however, when I have a disconnection.

Should I add the ppa for Mate 1.12 and try?
This is really disappointing.
Happy hacking.
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