Re: [orca-list] tracebacks when Enable Braille support is checked and brltty is not running

Hey José.

Those tracebacks are intentional. They are there to help answer the
question: "I enabled braille, why isn't it working?"

As for performance, if braille is enabled Orca will generate braille
output. This is work you do not need Orca to be doing if you do not have
a braille display. Because I've done quite a bit to improve Orca's
performance, the hit you take by having braille enabled without using it
shouldn't be huge, and it might not even be noticeable, but it won't be
zero because Orca is doing work you don't need it to do.

By the way, Orca will keep checking and not give up if you have braille
enabled. This is to handle instances like your braille display
connection being lost. Once you reconnect it, you don't want to have to
restart Orca. Also, braille is enabled by default because if you need
braille to enable braille, well.... That's just 1000 different kinds of

Long way of saying, "You have the expected result and you probably want
to disable braille." <smiles>


On 02/24/2016 02:15 PM, José Vilmar Estácio de Souza wrote:
Hi all.
Acidentally I enabled braille support in the orca's preferences. After
that I found a lot of tracebaks in the debug of orca since I don't have
a braille display and brltty is not running in my machine.

Traceback (most recent call last):
"/data/software/orca3/arch2/lib/python3.5/site-packages/orca/", line
1711, in init
    _brlAPI = brlapi.Connection()
  File "brlapi.pyx", line 302, in brlapi.Connection.__init__
brlapi.ConnectionError: couldn't connect to b':0' with key
b'/etc/brlapi.key': b'connect: No such file or directory'
(brlerrno 11, libcerrno 2, gaierrno 0)
Is BRLTTY really running?

I don't know if this can cause problems or impact in the performance.

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