Re: [orca-list] espeak ng bugs was Re: mate gtk3: caja's icon view, as well as appearance grid view are inaccessible to orca

I will reply here, but if you or anybody else have sisues with Speech 
Dispatcher, please email the Speech Dispatcher list, 
speechd lists freebsoft org,, and I or someone else 
can help you out there, even if it involves Orca's use of Speech Dispatcher.

Once again Kendell, I would also respectfully ask you again to consider 
breaking your messages up into smaller paragraphs.

As per usual, my reply is inline.

On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 09:41:59AM AEST, kendell clark wrote:
I did mean to bring two odd bugs up with the list, and I'll change the
subject so I don't throw off the thread. In the latest version of
speech-dispatcher, espeak's setting to "list voice varients" isn't
respected. That is, you change it from zero to one, and then restart
both sd and orca, and the varients don't show up.

Is this with espeak, espeak-ng, or both?

Has speech-dispatcher's varient support been changed so that orca needs a 
separate "varient" combo box?

Nothing has been changed in Speech Dispatcher relating to espeak variants 
since the feature was introduced.

The last bug is with speech-dispatcher's espeak ng support. It seems to work 
fine, but when you change from espeak to espeak ng, the pitch is a little ... 

Ok, I haven't tested with espeak-ng myself, just made sure it built. Longer 
term I think we will make a separate espeak-ng driver such that changes that 
it specifically requires can be made without breaking original espeak 
functionality, both espeak-ng and espeak drivers are currently built from one 
source code file.


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