Re: [orca-list] OT: Emacspeak and tcl/tclx updates

Title: Assinatura Informal


I tried to install in my arch box using the uar emacspeak-git package and apparently I had no problems to install emacspeak. The problem is that when I try to run emacs there are no voice.
In the pkgbuild I found the following line:
depends=('emacs' 'tcl>=8.6' 'tcl<8.7' 'tclx' 'espeak')

Is it possible to run emacspeak together with orca?

On 08/19/2016 11:15 AM, Alonzo Cuellar wrote:

It will work.

You just need to edit the PKGBUILD to use tcl 8.6. Either that or clone the git repository directly

git clone git://

On 08/19/2016 08:28 AM, Devin Prater wrote:
I'll try again, but I think the AUR version said it depended on tcl8.5 as well. I can check again, though, in a while. I really hope I can get this working, as I want to fix Emacspeak's eSpeak support if possible, with the pitch changes and such, and I think proofreading Bookshare books will be far more easy will Emacspeak than anything else. And I've tried speechd-el, but as I've said before, it reminds me of narrator on Windows. Also, what's wrong with the Emacspeak-git package in AUR? 

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 19, 2016, at 7:42 AM, Alonzo Cuellar <mariachiac gmail com> wrote:


pull emacspeak from git

install tclx from the aur., However make sure its using tcl 8.6 or it depends on it rather.

Then do make configre, make install from the emacspeak git package. Als configure your speech server. Change to the servers directory and linux-espeak directory make, make install.

Your emacs should be working if you have the dtk variable exported.

Of course if you want emacs to start emacspeak all the time


(load-file "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/lisp/emacspeak-setup.el")

I'm sure you already know the settings for .emacs. However I just installed the version of emacspeak from git and all seems to be working.
On 08/19/2016 04:01 AM, Devin Prater wrote:

I cannot remove tcl, since brltty and other things depend on it. TK depends on it, and plenty packages depend on that.

On 08/19/2016 02:12 AM, Jude DaShiell wrote:
Please remove tcl since you have most other dependencies removed.  That should set you up with a clean slate.
Next please install emacspeak-git and allow it to install what it wants for dependencies.  Sometimes things break and it's necessary to arrange for a clean slate then install the end package you most want to use and allow that package to select what it wants in terms of its own dependencies.

On Thu, 18 Aug 2016, Devin Prater wrote:

Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2016 22:09:10
From: Devin Prater <r d t prater gmail com>
To: orca-list gnome org
Subject: [orca-list] OT: Emacspeak and tcl/tclx updates

Hi all. I'm trying to get Emacspeak working, as I find it easier to edit and write with Emacs than Libreoffice and Gedit, especially where formatting is concerned. I'm running an up-to-date Sonar Gnu-Linux, with TCL8.6. When I try to install Emacs, it says it needs TCL8.5, and trying to install tclx gives the same error. Is there anything I can do? I had TCL8.5 before, but Emacspeak ran sluggishly with that version, so I uninstalled emacspeak, then tclx, then updated TCL, and that's when I started being unable to install tclx and emacspeak again. I would use speechd-el, if it were more advanced. For now, it reminds me more of narrator, and isn't being actively developed that I can tell.

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