Re: [orca-list] Ubuntu Touch/phone

I don't mean to imply that smart phones are any way detrimental to blind
people. I personally don't see the use of one but I'm old fashioned lol.
My main problem was how everything on here seems to somehow degenerate
into a "windows is better than linux" or "I just looooooooooove my apple
device, why doesn't linux have iTunes?" Us linux people chime in, and it
turns into an argument no one can win without telling someone their
opinion is wrong, which I try my best not to do.
Kendell clark

On 09/23/2015 03:09 PM, Todor Fassl wrote:
The original question is on-topic though. If ubuntu puts a screen reader
on it's touch OS, that screen reader will probably be orca. Plus, smart
phones are a boon to blind people. You can get apps for GPS, color
identification, OCR, all kinds of things blind people might use every day.

On 09/23/2015 02:23 PM, kendell clark wrote:
Seconded. I'll write no more on this topic unless it's actually about
the original topic, I don't handle "my platform is better than your
platform" debates well. I use what I use, and I'd like other people to
give it a serious chance before writing it off, but that seems unlikely
as long as the proprietary options are "easy"

On 09/23/2015 09:46 AM, Kyle wrote:
Why o why must a question of how well Orca works with Ubuntu Phone
degenerate into a "my iPhone is better than your Android, and even your
Linux" kind of flamewar? The original poster wanted to know if Ubuntu
Phone works with Orca, or probably more importantly, if Orca/atk/at-spi
can properly handle touch screen events. As I recall, he didn't ask
about any other phone or operating system. So just give your Apple
evangelism a much needed rest already. Thanks.
Sent from my doololly
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