Re: [orca-list] linux notetaker (was gui)

Christopher Chaltain <chaltain gmail com> wrote:
Well, what would be ideal would be an editor that would automatically open
the files I had open in it the last time I closed it, and furthermore, would
remember my place in each file. I used to use NoteTab in Windows, which
behaved this way, but I haven't found an editor in Linux yet that has this
feature. Granted, I haven't looked too hard yet, but if anyone knows of such
an editor, I'd like to hear about it. BTW, I am an Emacs user, so if anyone
knows of a package or maybe just some ELISP code that does this, that would
even be better!

It's actually built into Emacs and documented in the manual:

It should be a straightforward matter of adding the line given in the manual
to your Emacs initialization file. I have not tested it however. I am also an
enthusiastic Emacs user.

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