Re: [orca-list] Government payed assistive technologies (was GUI Redesign or clearup and modernization)

windows10 is just fine. yes here and there is still some accessibility issues but what OS doesn't have bugs?

follow me on twitter @joshknnd1982

On 9/3/2015 7:52 PM, Victor Lawrence wrote:
Well, I got the distinct impression that the blogger was a big Apple fan.

In the Flying Blind newsletter, I read that the National Federation Of
The Blind is not impressed with Windows 10.

VictorOn 9/3/15, Christopher Chaltain <chaltain gmail com> wrote:
On 09/03/2015 12:31 PM, Victor Lawrence wrote:
Recently I read a post from a blogger who claims that Google, Freedom
Scientific and other big companies are in bed with the American
Council Of The Blind and the National Federation Of The Blind.  In
short, the blogger claimed that these companies bribe these advocacy
groups to promote their products.  These companies show up at the
national conventions and pour lots of money into these organizations
to buy their loyalty when most blind people would really rather use
Apple products or something else.  According to the blogger, at least
Apple doesn't even bother to bribe the ACB or the NFB.
Wow, I'd stop reading this blogger right away. This doesn't jive with my
experience at all. I haven't seen these bribes from Google. My
experience is that an NFB or ACB convention is a major Apple love fest.
If you read the Braille Monitor and the NFB resolutions, you might think
Apple had the only accessible cell phone out there. Just spend a few
days on an Android list, and you'll get an earful of what some Android
users think about the NFB and ACB and their infatuation with Apple.
IMHO, I'd have to read this article myself to be sure, but if you're
summary is correct, this is a blogger that's more interested in stirring
things up than they are in accurately discussing issues.

Christopher (CJ)
chaltain at Gmail
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