[orca-list] Worthless SPAM Was: Re: GUI Redesign or clearup and modernization

Not trying to gripe or anything, but if we're not talking about improving Orca's new GUI, and we're 
discussing windows on a very Linux specific list, let's please change the subject to something more 
appropriate. Sorry, but I am interested in the thread for which this subject was started. I couldn't care 
less about windows 7, a, blue, or any of its configurations, settings, or screen readers.
Thank you
On Wed, Sep 02, 2015 at 05:41:02PM -0400, Josh K wrote:
classic shell brings back the menus like you had in windows xp and 7. and its free. if you want those kinds of menus in linux go with ubuntu mate.

follow me on twitter @joshknnd1982

On 9/2/2015 5:07 PM, Devin Prater wrote:
No. Windows changes way too often. I think I'll go with mate too if it has applications in menues instead of 
just flinging them all over like win10 does.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 2, 2015, at 4:04 PM, Josh K <joshknnd1982 gmail com> wrote:

you don't like windows10? yes true the start menu can be a bit laggy but i fixed that by installing classic 
shell. its so much faster than win7! it start up fast like linux does and has done for years.

follow me on twitter @joshknnd1982

On 9/2/2015 5:00 PM, Devin Prater wrote:
I wouldn't want eSpeak to sound like Eloquence, and I don't like Windows Ten either. I was just pointing out 
what Linux doesn't have much of. If old seasoned users of Linux cannot have patience with the new people that 
would rather test the waters rather than jump in and possibly drown, then indeed, Linux won't attract new 
users, and therefore won't get much better or gain much more innovation..

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 2, 2015, at 2:30 PM, kendell clark <coffeekingms gmail com> wrote:

Well, I tried. I'm done trying to help people who just won't be reasoned
with. You want everything windows has, for free. You don't want to have
to actually work to improve stuff if it's not as polished as you'd like.
You complain instead. I've used windows 10. Several times. I'm not in
the least impressed. I've spent four years improving espeak's us english
in the hope that the whining would stop. Instead, it's changed from
"espeak sucks" to "I want espeak to sound like eloquence" or "I want a
commercial human sounding voice because apple and windows have them"
Yes, they do. But try reading a book with them. That human sounding
voice doesn't suddenly sound so great. I've said my piece, I'm done. Any
further messages I see in this thread, I'll delete unless they're from
joanie or another linux user I actually know. Any windows users can rant
all they like. I've had enough
Kendell clark

On 09/02/2015 12:13 PM, Devin Prater wrote:
For your slight information, I am not a gov blink. Nope, I actually abhore ADRS for how they destroy independence. I 
ordered the Vario Ultra 20 for $2300. And how, may I ask, is Linux accessibility "far ahead of what we Apple and 
Windows folk" get? Y'all don't even have a good way of making music, OCR, good TTS engines, and fewer games than 
the Mac even has. I find that you Linux fans assume a lot. :)

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 2, 2015, at 10:08 AM, Kyle <kyle4jesus gmail com> wrote:

Sorry for the upcoming rant, but some of this nonsense I'm seeing drove
me to it.

I can still build an 8-core x86_64 computer for less money than it
currently costs to purchase even the least expensive open source
braille displays, which are still costly prototypes. Once braille
becomes as affordable as say for instance a computer monitor, then
maybe more people will have the means to code for them, and braille
won't be just for lucky blind government entitlement babies anymore.
Until then, braille is always going to be too expensive to get enough
people working on to improve it. Sorry, that's just the way it is. And
no, I didn't use braille back in the days when I had access to Windows
either, because I'm not a blind government baby who expected all the
expensive stuff to be handed to me like I'm entitled to it or
something, which is also why I use Linux now and help where I can to
raise awareness and to contribute where I can to its development and
wider usage by *all* people, not just entitlement blinks. No, Linux
isn't "catching up" as you Microsoft and Apple lovers so eloquently put
it. It's here, and it's far ahead of anything else you could be using.
So get used to it.
Sent from my Cancerian beast
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