Re: [orca-list] Emacs editor

I have never used Speechd-el.  I've used Emacspeak for a few years now and find it quite handy as an editor.  
It has a lot more functionality than that but it's a first class editor.  I wrote a tutorial on it four years 
ago.  It's mostly still accurate.  It's certainly enough to get you off the ground.  I keep meaning to update 
it but never seem to get around to it.  Here is the link for you if you want to read it:

To my humbling surprise, I discovered a short time ago that a copy of this is also included with Emacspeak 
itself.  I recommend reading it with Orca though and not Emacspeak since you really need to concentrate on 
understanding it without trying to navigate a document into the bargain on your first try.

Be well,
Alex M

-----Original Message-----
From: orca-list [mailto:orca-list-bounces gnome org] On Behalf Of Peter Vágner
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2015 7:35 AM
To: Alex ARNAUD; Mike Dupont; B. Henry
Cc: orca-list
Subject: Re: [orca-list] Emacs editor


I think emacs is really powerfull editor.

Can some of you knowing it better either give a few words on why you prefer speechd-el over emacspeak or the 
other way round?
It appears emacspeak is more active developed than speechd-el.

Also is there a howto for beginers and noobs looking at learning this?



On 26.10.2015 at 09:16 Alex ARNAUD wrote:
On 25/10/2015 22:48, Mike Dupont wrote: check out emacspeak it is 
supposed to be very good and also allows for access to other things.
There are also speechd-el. You can find information here :

I use this line in my bashrc to make Emacs in CLI automatically :
alias emacs='emacs -nw'

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