Re: [orca-list] How many numbered bookmarks do you have, how often do you change them?

Hey Storm, all.

On 06/11/2015 07:25 PM, Storm Dragon wrote:

I just set them up as they are needed, (I didn't know you could save
them to disk lol)

Heh. That mean I can delete that code too? <grins> Jokes aside, your
above answer makes your next answer pretty predictable:

I don't think they have ever broken, that I can remember anyway.

The sorts of things that could cause them to break include:

1. Their child index changing (i.e. used to be the fourth item, now is
   the fifth).
2. Object comparison failing (Orca cannot tell a given object is the
   saved bookmark).

If you never save your bookmarks, there's a healthy chance that neither
1 nor 2 will occur. I've not done exhaustive testing, but my gut along
with reading over the code, suggests things might be pretty fragile
between sessions. Now that you know you can save them to disk, mind
giving that some real-world testing and confirming/refuting my hunch?


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