Re: [orca-list] My Fedora 22 Blues

Luke Yelavich writes:
On Fri, Jun 05, 2015 at 10:14:33PM AEST, Jason White wrote:
covici ccs covici com <covici ccs covici com> wrote:
I bet it has something to do with pulse audio -- do you have a hardware
synth to use with speakup to check?

It's also worth noting that I can't reproduce any of these issues under Arch
Linux with Pulseaudio, GNOME and Orca installed. It's something
Fedora-specific, apparently.

Good to know, and not surprising, frankly.

It could be a logind issue. Logind manages the permissions for devices depending on which console has focus 
and who is logged in.

Again, to be clear, on Fedora there's a logind.service under Systemd.
Mine is stock Fedora. My logind.conf is as shipped by Fedora.


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