Re: [orca-list] Fwd: Re: [Support] autoinstall of talking arch

According to Christopher Chaltain:
# Installing applications from official repositories is a choice. There
# are plenty of other ways to get applications on to your system. If you
# practice some common sense on Windows, and only install applications you
# get from reputable sources and keep your software up to date you'll go a
# lon ways towards avoiding malware on Windows.

But then the problem on Windows is the fact that every time you try to
install an application, no matter where it comes from or how trustworthy
or reputable the source is, Windows itself cried "WOLF!" telling you
that the application you are installing may harm your computer and
asking if you are sure you wish to install it. Just like in the famous
fable, the end user eventually becomes desensatized to the consistent
crying of "WOLF!" and just starts confirming every installation. Since
crying "WOLF!" is about the best defense against malware that Microsoft
can muster, the malware will eventually get in as the end user becomes
so used to confirming the installation that he/she just confirms the
malware by force of habit.
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