Re: [orca-list] Further Advice on Distributions

Also, I found that I could not go into my edxonline Linux course using Trisquel's browser Icecat. If memory serves, I may not even have been able to log in. I wrote to the EDX folks about this, and was told essentially that (1) their site is pretty free as in freedom and (2) it would take too much revamping to accommodate Icecat. I'm certainly not saying Trisquel doesn't have considerable virtues, only that this sort of thing can punch you in the cyberface and you won't know where the punch came from.

On 8/28/2015 6:25 PM, B. Henry wrote:
Trisquel is the only one that stands out as bding accessible with out hassles.
These are mostly if not all 100% free distros however, and you will not have adccess to codecs for playing 
non free media types, and some other software
you might want might require jumping through an extra hoop or two.
Installing Linux is very easy fro a blind person, so you do not need to limit yourself to what you can get 
Installation takes less than an hour in most cases, with you just sitting there half of more than half of the 

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