Re: [orca-list] Considering Linux but Need Advice

In short to the Vinux question, yes, its has several things done out of the box that you would need to 
configure in standard Ubuntu, and as long as updates are$Unity and gnome are not that different re 
accessibility, at least as long as you stick to the long term support Ubuntu releases which Vinux is built on.
Ubuntu is certainly not the only good distro to use with orca, but is one of the easiest to deal with for 
novices and people with hardware that may not be comp$Manjaro is another distro that tends to do a good job 
of getting everything working with out user intervention to speak of, but I've seen a couple machines 
whe$Vinux and F123 are both easy to install, and other distros including Ubuntu Debian, and at least soetimes 
Fedora are also easy for many new users to install wi$Orca will work well on other distros as well.
Mate is another accessible desktop that many people like alot, both sighted and blind screenreader users.
I think Vinux5 when it is released will be a great entry point for people new to Linux as it will let the 
user switch between gnome, unity and mate so they can$ 

   Registerd Linux User 521886

  Lee Jones wrote:
Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 09:10:33PM +0100

Dear List,, I am considering giving linux a go, but I lack understanding of the platform.  What are the 
most  orca accessible mainstream distributions of linux?  Is vinux more accessible than the mainstream 
stuff?  What does orca master mean and how do you access it?  Is the gnome desktop environment more 
accessible than the unity desktop environment?  I think the only pre installed linux laptops I can find in 
the uk run ubuntu.  I would be grateful for any advice you can give me. 

Kind Regards, Lee 
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