Re: [orca-list] a few questions

I personally prefer mate. Mate doesn't stop speakup from working in the console because pulseaudio is not a 
dependancy for it. Pulse is what causes speakup to not work while the desktop is loaded. I also like mate 
because it is more configurable and retains the look and feel of a traditional desktop while givig you access 
to any of the new stuff you may want to to run. The panels in mate are a bit of a pita to deal with, but I 
personally don't use them much anyway. there's also a problem that when you arrow across something it will 
tell you it is unselected even when it is not. Other than that, mate is a great desktop. I assume those bugs 
I mensioned will be fixed eventually. In the mean time, they are by no means show stoppers.
I will let someone else tell you about gnome3, cause I personally can't stand that desktop. It's better than 
Unity sure, but not by much lol. Once again though, that's just my opinion, and there are plenty of people 
who love gnome3 and use it every day.
On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 01:30:40PM -0400, Mike and Jenna wrote:

I have taken a break from Linux but have always used debian. Now I am
getting back into along with my wife with the goal of switching from windows
to Linux full time. We are going to stick with debian as we like what it
offers but my questions are which is better mate or gnome to use. I would
like so pros and cons if possible. What programs do you think are a must and
why? Also when I install gnome cause it uses pulse speakup stops working is
there a good way to fix this?

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