[orca-list] OwnCloud is a bit of a mess, client and web-interface, or is it me that's mroe of a mess than usual?

I've spent hours trying to get owncloud set up ad have had very little success other than being able to 
log-in, both http and https are working 
anywayJ), and upload single files via the web interfadce. I can put stuff in own cloud folder also, but can't 
get folders I select to sync. They show up 
empty and never sync. That's probably more of an owncloud question and or issue/off list help there will be 
gratefullly received. 
The client is now stuck on show activity, and I can't find a way to get to other parts of the interface. It 
shows that or closes. I'm not using nautilus 
here, so can't test the nautilus integration, well, actuall will try it on another box later.
The web interface is odd as well. I can pick my user and go to admiin, but then can't reliably find apps. 
I thought it was showing up when I entered on the owncloud link from the admin screen, but that's not working 
now. Also according to the documentation I 
should be seeing a module to enable on the apps screen, athe default encryption one, and it has not appeared 
before or after enabling server side 
encryption, and the encryption is not working/gives a message on admin screen saying so....
Anyone know anyting about this? I've not tried with orca 16 yet, only master from yesterday, and one slightly 
older, will try in a bit as well.
I've been using firefox on arch-linux for my interaction with the interface. 
Regards from a frustrated listmate...    

   Registerd Linux User 521886

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