[orca-list] How can possible handling keyboard with Libreoffice form controls a libreoffice document?

Hi list,

I think with mouse have possibility to insert form controls a Libreoffice document. With toolbar if checked the forms related toolbars this is possible too, but more difficult to insert a form control with keyboard. Libreoffice help pages this topics related if anybody interesting this function:
1. Insert controls related:
2. Form controls related:
With toolbars related I founded useful shortcuts to insert form controls, but not yet have enough time to look this dialog when I tryed inserting a check box:
When I looked an inserted check box properties dialog in Libreoffice 4.2.8, I not founded a Close or Ok button to apply the changes. Possible more better with form controls insert accessibility support the Libreoffice 4.4 version, I newer need use this function.

The question with Orca perspective when an Orca user get a document with containing inserted form controls: Joanie, Orca will have possibility future support this control handlings if a document containing inserted form controls? I not known yet any possibility to fill the inserted form controls a Libreoffice document (for example check a check box in a document) if the document containing more answer possibilities. Possible only I not known the filling way this controls, I get monday a document with I think containing more check box forms.


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