Re: [orca-list] F123 available for download - easy switch to

I understand and share the interest in using Mate, and as long as these issues get resolved, I will include it in F123.

My only disagreement with what was said is that I consider these major issues for non-technical users rather than minor ones.


On 09/29/2014 04:17 PM, Kyle wrote:
MATE 1.8.1 is definitely good, and there is a Sonar panel layout that
can be added in the same way it has been integrated into Sonar. The main
problem is the lack of a talking display manager that doesn't a. cause
the kernel to trap Orca and keep it from running when the desktop
starts, b. pull in more than half of GNOME 3 along with it, including
gnome-shell itself, or c. pull in a ton of AUR packages including Unity.
This is exactly the reason why a MATE spin of Sonar hasn't gone past
alpha at this point. We need to be able to figure out what exactly a
kernel trap is, and why it keeps Orca from running beyond the
lightdm-gtk-greeter and mdm, which is a fork of an older gdm that
doesn't pull in gnome-shell, or we need to be able to give another
display manager such as lxdm or slim the ability to start Orca and talk
to it in order to use MATE in the same way we currently use GNOME, both
in F123 and in Sonar. Until then, we're fairly limited in what we can
do, although if you can get GNOME running, it is possible to install
MATE and switch to it in the default login, although this is certainly
not ideal.

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