Re: [orca-list] How to use gnome-tweak tool

+1 on mounted folders.
I also like documents and home on the desktop.
Happy hacking.

On 10/22/2014 08:18 PM, Kyle wrote:
According to Alex Midence:
# Why on earth do you need desktop icons?  I haven't used them for years.

What else are we supposed to do with all that empty space that GNOME by
default now renders useless? Seriously though, it's just a personal
preference. I for one like having my mounted folders show up on the
desktop where I can get to them really easily. But personally, I prefer
the MATE interface for my own use as well, which could explain why I
still like desktop icons. The great thing is that even in the latest
GNOME, we still have options when it comes to where things we use
regularly are placed.

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