Re: [orca-list] clickables not working for me on a site

Hey Burt.

On 10/17/2014 12:05 PM, Burt Henry wrote:
I can use structural nav key strokes to move through the clickable
expand items on the consumercellular faq page, but can't get them to

I just gave it a try. What I'm seeing is that they do expand, but Orca's
not presenting anything to tell you of the expansion. Solving that might
need to be a combination of an Orca fix with a Gecko fix and/or an
authoring fix.

In a nutshell: I'm not seeing an accessible state which would tell Orca
that the item in question is expandable. The reason Orca speaks that it
is expandable is due to the textual description. When you expand or
collapse the clickable item, there is no accessible state-changed event
to inform Orca of that change (which is not surprising since the state
isn't there in the first place). That's why Orca doesn't say "expanded"
or "collapsed" after you click. After you click, there are
children-changed and text-changed events, but all sorts of things can
cause those, so a heuristic would be pretty fragile. (Okay, make that
"in a coconut shell.")

Anyhoo, I'll look further into that. In the meantime, aside from
notification of the expansion, the content itself is accessible: After
you've moved to one of the expandable clickables via structural
navigation and clicked on it by using Orca's flat review click, Down
Arrow. You should find new items there -- or old elements gone in the
case of collapsing one that had been expanded. Please give it a try and
let me know if it works for you.

Can someone else try and let me know if I'm doing something wrong, or if
indeed there's no way to get these items to expand with orca. I have not
tried with 3.14/have a two day old release from master installed.


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