[orca-list] Orca strangeness in Trisquel 7 Alphas


I've been playing with this Alpha, on the netbook, for a while, and notice occasional loss of some structural navigation while moving around in the Mozilla browser. Pressing tab will move among focusable items, and the listing commands (e. g. 'altshftk' for links list) will work, but the arrows and lettered/numbered navigation commands will not work. I can refresh the page to restore functionality. Time to build Orca 3.12 on Trisquel; these bugs don't show on the Arch box, with Orca from master. I wonder if rebuilding will fix the absence of app-specific Orca settings, I'd previously reported? If anyone else is testing these Trisquel builds, what are you finding?

Best Regards,

Dave  Hunt

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