Re: [orca-list] Last Pass [Was: Flat Review is a Mess in Firefox]

The most accessible part of Last Pass for me is the iOS
applications. they work well on both my iPhone and iPad. The context
menus work OK with Firefox on Linux/Orca and Windows but there are
some functions of Last Pass which can only be reached with the tool
bar on top of the screen. I can find that more or less on Windows but
I have never been able to get there with Orca. That's why I brought
this topic up on here. The context menus do not, for example bring up
the full list of sites in the vault. If there is a way to do this
other than with the tool bar, then I'm available for advice.

I haven't been to their website in a long time but when I was there, I
found it difficult to work with at best.

On Sat, May 10, 2014 at 11:31:47AM -0500, B. Henry wrote:
Well, I've used lastpass for years, and the extension itself is perfectly accessible. 
I actually had a discussion with lastpass ppl on twitter some time back. They were certainly friendly 
enough, and seemed 
at least somewhat interested in improving accessibility on the website although they made no firm 
committment to making 
I may have been the first person who brought any accessibility problem to their attention, or may have been 
one of many, 
although I suspect something closer to the former is more likely. 
Filing bugs would certainly be a good step to take, and otherwise making contact to let the lastpass team 
aware that this 
issue does effect more than a couple of users would likely be of value. 
I for one find so many sites that screenreader users would like to use so much worse that I'm not enclined 
to put lastpass 
at the top of any hit list. I'm talking about much larger companies than lastpass, but I do agree that as a 
tech company 
they should make good faith efforts to do better. Hopefully we can help them with this.
I am not knowledgable regarding how to make accessible webpages, so would not be the best person to take 
the lead filing 
bugs, but am well aware of the at best confusing interaction one has with the lastpass website and will try 
and chime in 
as an end user if nothing else. 
If you've had any problems with the extension itself, perhaps I can help, but I don't remember ever having 
problems there. 
I've used lastpass on windows with Firefox and installed it there on other browsers with the binary one can 
download. I 
mostly use it with Orca and Firefox and also use it with chrome  on Linux. 
I use it for both form filling and password management, but do not use quite a few of the available 
features. I did start 
to make groups thinking to have some passwords I could use on a work computer in one group separate from 
more personal 
stuff, but had not done my research first, got a bit lost, and as necesity was not pushing me along never 
went back to 
this. At that time however the website was actually much more screenreader friendly. I don't remember 
exactly when the 
chane occured, but it was if not overnight, certainly complete between one time and another that I went to 
the site. I 
don't go there a lot tough, so months may have passed and change may have indeed been somewhat incremental, 
although I 
doubt it. This was over a year ago I think, but am not sure about dates, will try and check my old tweets 
to get a clue. 

On Sat, May 10, 2014 at 10:01:43AM -0400, Janina Sajka wrote:
I have recently started using Last Pass, so am very interested in
strategies for using it successfully.

But, it seems to me the underlying problem is almost a moral issue.
Here's a company whose business leverages the accessibility framework on
every platform Last Pass runs on, yet their own products support
accessibility very poorly. They ought be ashamed.

So, my suggestion is a concerted campaign, starting with bug filings for
fundamental web coding failures like unlabeled buttons, or buttons not
in the keyboard TAB order. Depending on their response, we could
escalate from there.

Thoughts anyone?


B. Henry writes:
Firstly, the easiest way to use last pass is from the contextual menus accessed with shift f10 or the 
menu key. There you 
should find a couple entries, plus log-in to last pass if you are not already logged in. I think there 
may be some 
keyboard shortcuts as well, but I've never used them if they exist. YOu find both formfill items and 
password and user 
name items in the two submenus, as well as the log-in I mentioned. This is not the same for chrome btw, 
but you use the 
same basic process to get at last pass options. 
You do usually see some history stuff with flat review, and one extentsion I use is accessed by flat 
review as well. I'm 
not sure if there are artifacts left from previously visited pages in some cases. 
YOu do not ever see the whole webpage in most cases/sites, but there are times where some buttons are 
accessed via flat 
review that can't be pressed with spacebar or enter. 
I downloaded firefox29 a couple days ago, but have not yet tested it. I will likely continue to use 
firefox 24 as there's 
an extension I find very useful that is broken starting with firefox26, and the patch that is available 
did not appear to 
work at all for me. 
I do not know if the rerouting you mention has ever been part of orca/firefox functionality. Have you 
done the things you 
can't do with firefox29 on earlier versions, and if so which ones?

On Thu, May 08, 2014 at 06:10:52AM -0700, Steve Holmes wrote:
I don't know if this personal error or what but while running firefox
29.0 (I thought I would give it a try), flat review hardly works for
me. First off, when I press orca+k to read the current word it always
says "File" which would be the first item of the menu bar. If I press
orca+9 to route the mouse pointer to the current position, it seems to
have no effect. I would have expected to have the flat review pointer
be moved down to the current item focused by moving the arrow keys and
normal orca reading of the web page. In fact, it looks like flat
review is showing stuff from a previously visited page.

All and all, it is a total mess for me. What I'm actually trying to do
is get to the LastPass tool bar at top of the page and I cannot even
find that now. It was hit and miss in the past but now impossible to
access it.

Am I missing something here or should I fall back to an older version
of firefox yet still?

Oh, I'm using a master build of Orca from around May 5th and latest
packages from Arch Linux.

Any ideas?
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Janina Sajka,       Phone:  +1.443.300.2200
                    sip:janina asterisk rednote net
            Email:  janina rednote net

Linux Foundation Fellow
Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Chair,      Protocols & Formats
    Indie UI              

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