[orca-list] Installing Gnome and Orca 3.12 in Ubuntu 14.04

Hello all,

I tried to install Sonar based in Manjaro. As the keyboard layout for
portuguese language didn't work well, it was impossible to continue my

I was interested in Sonar becose of the updated version of Gnome and
orca. So my first question is: having been installed Ubuntu 14.04, how
can I install gnome 3.12 and consequently Orca 3.12?

I am not so satisfied with Ubuntu. After reinstalling the system and
open the desktop, the first message I received was: "The system has
detected a problem, would you like to inform it?. It's not really a
welcome. I don't know if Unity is more unstable than Gnome Shell...

Another problem is that, after installing Ubuntu 14.04 and the
packages gnome-shell and gnome-panel, restarting the machine, at the
login window, I could not find the "options" button. Without it, I
can't change from Unity to Gnome Shell. Does someone know how to
change to gnome Shell in Ubuntu 14.04?

I thought also to test Fedora. Perhaps, you have good experiences with
this system. I have also tried to install it. The installer was not so
accessible as the Ubuntu ones, but it can be used. The problem was
after the instalatiom. Although I listened to the Orca's voice, I
could not navigate in the desktop.

In brief, my questions are:

1. How to install gnome 3.12 and orca 3.12 in ubuntu 14.04?
2. Is Fedora a very good option for blind users? When can I find the
instalation instructions?


Luciano de Souza

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