Re: [orca-list] Installing Gnome and Orca 3.12 in Ubuntu 14.04

On that same lines, I wish to know what all enhancements in Gnome 3.12 accessibility experience and subsequently in Orca are available?
Do the notifications speak well?  Do the other inaccessible stuff work fine?
Is it worth the upgrade from Gnome 3.10 to 3.12?
Happy hacking.
On Sunday 22 June 2014 09:22 PM, luciano de souza wrote:
Hello all,

I tried to install Sonar based in Manjaro. As the keyboard layout for
portuguese language didn't work well, it was impossible to continue my

I was interested in Sonar becose of the updated version of Gnome and
orca. So my first question is: having been installed Ubuntu 14.04, how
can I install gnome 3.12 and consequently Orca 3.12?

I am not so satisfied with Ubuntu. After reinstalling the system and
open the desktop, the first message I received was: "The system has
detected a problem, would you like to inform it?. It's not really a
welcome. I don't know if Unity is more unstable than Gnome Shell...

Another problem is that, after installing Ubuntu 14.04 and the
packages gnome-shell and gnome-panel, restarting the machine, at the
login window, I could not find the "options" button. Without it, I
can't change from Unity to Gnome Shell. Does someone know how to
change to gnome Shell in Ubuntu 14.04?

I thought also to test Fedora. Perhaps, you have good experiences with
this system. I have also tried to install it. The installer was not so
accessible as the Ubuntu ones, but it can be used. The problem was
after the instalatiom. Although I listened to the Orca's voice, I
could not navigate in the desktop.

In brief, my questions are:

1. How to install gnome 3.12 and orca 3.12 in ubuntu 14.04?
2. Is Fedora a very good option for blind users? When can I find the
instalation instructions?


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