Re: [orca-list] twitter app with orca

I am using corebird all the time. Most of its features are accessible. It is possible to hear the tweets when moving up and down arrows in the grid. By tabbing it is possible to reach links and tags and mentions embedded inside tweets however names of them are not spoken as those are links inside gtk labels. Settings windows is also fully accessible, new tweets can be posted. Unfortunatelly nick and tags completion is not yet accessible. Anyway I can use it all the time without breaking. Previously mentioned issues on this list such as inabillity to reconnect to twitter when changing wifi networks is now is no longer an issue. Notifications are working great and I am notified of new tweets and retweets with standard gnome integrated notifications.



On 17.07.2014 18:03, Nolan Darilek wrote:
I also had reasonable luck with Corebird. Basic Twitter participation worked, but tabbing into tweets broke. Things also got a bit unstable after a while. Might be worth a look and chat with the developers about fixing the relatively minor access issues I encountered.

On 7/17/2014 10:24 AM, B. Henry wrote:
No, no twitter clients.
Gwibber can be used, or at least could with precise and vinux4, but it's less than ideal. Another solution that's not great if you get lots of tweets is to set up twitter with thunderbird's native chat functionality, and instantbird is similar but a chat only mozilla application. Many of us use ttytter. It is commandline, but can be run well from a gnome or other terminal emulator and has some extensions that work nicely in the gui. I use it in vt consoles myself however. It takes a bit of getting used to as you use two character codes to work with tweets, i.e. you have a tweet labeled as e5. They go in order from a0 from the time
you log-in to a session. So to retweet you do something like
/rt e5
or to reply
/reply e5 Are you crazy? I'd never use anything but #ttytter!
Actually, I've set up t-bird, but seldom use it as tweets display in a screenreader unfriendly grid and I get more than a thousand a day. I also use bitlbee for twitter, but it doesn't do as much as ttytter which can do almost anything that is possible with twitter and similar services. Bitlbee lets you rt, reply and a couple other things, but with ttytter you can open urls directly, do easy searches and get tweets for a specific user, etc. All the pidgin pluggg-ins for twitter were broken last I tried, and I even built some from source. One kind of almost worked, at least let me log-in once, but then would not after restarting pidgin, so I'm sure some one who studied the twitter api mess could fix one or more of the plug-ins but guess no one cared enough. On the other hand, it's not that
easy  dealing with twitter I guess from what I hear.
  On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 04:20:47PM +0800, Amir wrote:
i want to use twitter with orca. i don't want to open and use the site
twitter but want to use the twitter software. i tried thunderbird but can't read the tweets even though i've connected the account. any suggestions?

On 7/16/2014 4:19 PM, lJason White wrote:
Hello all,

How do I convert a LibreOffice Impress document to an easier to read format
such as HTML, or read it within LibreOffice?

LibreOffice allows me to export it in various format, all designed for
presentations - HTML and even plain text aren't offered.

The default view in LibreOffice doesn't seem to give me access to the content
under Orca 3.12.1 and LibreOffice 4.2.5.

To make Impress presentations accessible, it used to be necessary to run the
Presenter Console, which is now, apparently, included in LibreOffice.
According to my Web searches, the presenter console appears if you have a
second monitor attached to the machine, which is not feasible here.

Suggestions welcome. This should have a simple answer but I haven't found it.

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