[orca-list] How to read or convert LibreOffice Impress documents?

Hello all,

How do I convert a LibreOffice Impress document to an easier to read format
such as HTML, or read it within LibreOffice?

LibreOffice allows me to export it in various format, all designed for
presentations - HTML and even plain text aren't offered.

The default view in LibreOffice doesn't seem to give me access to the content
under Orca 3.12.1 and LibreOffice 4.2.5.

To make Impress presentations accessible, it used to be necessary to run the
Presenter Console, which is now, apparently, included in LibreOffice.
According to my Web searches, the presenter console appears if you have a
second monitor attached to the machine, which is not feasible here.

Suggestions welcome. This should have a simple answer but I haven't found it.

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