Re: [orca-list] orca doesn't autostart on ubuntu 14

I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 too. What I noticed is Orca starts only if it
was opened when the system is restarted; so if you close Orca and then
restarts, Orca won't autostart. The same behavior occurs with Orca on
login screen.

It makes sense (unless to me) because if you weren't using Orca and
you restart, you likely won't want Orca to autostart, you more likely
want to control when it should be running or not. You always can start
it with alt+super+s anyway; and if you'd like Orca to always
autostart, you can add it in Startup applications.

2014-08-26 6:49 GMT-04:30, Amir <trend669953 gmail com>:
sorry if this has been asked before but, i am using ubuntu 14.04 , at
first orca did autostart but after for unknown reason, it didn't. I
don't know why. what can i give is, i am using orca 3.12.2 (after
performing sudo apt-get upgrade, and then  sudo apt-get install gnome, i
got orca 3.12.2). I don't know what's the casuue of this, sometimes orca
doesnt autostart on the loggin screen too! but it usually did on start
up (after loggin).
Any idea?

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