[orca-list] I need instructions how to compile Orca

Dear developers,
I Am finding some instructions, which would inform users, how to compile Orca 3.12 and newr in The DEBIAN based distros. I hope, that somebody of us would give us The instructions, because it is really not so easy to compile Orca from source like while using Orca 2.32.0, packages needed for Orca 2.X versions compilations are not enough to compile new Orca 3.X releases.
Who of us would give a detailed instructions?

I would like to include Orca version which is The part of ubuntu 14.04 to The installed SONAR Mate ALPHA release for myself.

I need to mainly compile this Orca release and i must prevent to get wrong behaviour, that CTRL+INSERT+SPACE would not work while running Firefox. Because this Orca release is The last, which have old my favourite compception to The dynamic WEB pages with ARIA. I would like to congratulate MR Vagner and MR Joan Marie dick for their complex programmers work.

I also apologize MR Vagner and MR dick for my stupid questions and comments related to ARIA live regions.
The reasons are.
1. I AM using AJAX Blue chat which uses ARIA live regions to send information about new chat events on The glass inside chat room. And this chat system do not implement ARIA according to The standard, so only older Orca can automatically fetch new events from The chat room glass.
2. I love
WEB page, which contain ARIA live regions which inform wisitters about new world political events and so on. I Am not Java script professional so i can not simply develop Greaseamonkey scripts to make new sub pages which would use ARIA standards correctly.
It is also not easy to modify Ajax bluechat.
I can give You development version here, if there is no some change.

I Am aware, that Yours newest concept related to ARIA is much more better than older one, and that it is not possible to combine two compcepts in The one Orca release.

So i Am really deeply appreciate YOurs programmers work MR Vagner and MR Dick.

Here is direct link to download Ajax bluechat development release.

Thank You very much for Yours understanding and thank You very much for Yours Orca development. Now, newest Orca work smoothly, perfectly and reliably, work very fast while browsing WEB sites and there are always new features, such as colour announcements.

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