Re: [orca-list] new linux distro

I am most certainly ready to break out of the six-month upgrade routine which is almost necessary on most distributions in order to keep up with accessibility improvements! I am looking forward to what the future holds in this regard!

On 09/06/2013 10:49 AM, Kyle wrote:
Lol interesting indeed. I didn't actually pick the name. It's a respin
of Manjaro Linux
Taken from the Manjaro FAQ:

  How is 'Manjaro' Pronounced?

It's pronounced 'Manjaro'! As in Mount Kilimanjaro, which was the
inspiration for the name. Man-ja-ro.

So it's not ours, it's theirs <smiles>. Actually it's set to be the base
for the next Sonar releases, which should be ready for public
consumption shortly after the release of GNOME 3.10. The talking Manjaro
isos on the Sonar download page are quite rough first attempts to create
something a bit like Sonar using the Manjaro tools, although they do
help to showcase the great things that are possible in a very short time
thanks to the fine work of the Manjaro and Arch developers who make all
this stuff work.

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