Re: [orca-list] please help a newby make an install of ubuntu 12.10 more accessible

Hi Rusty,

Just so you know Sonar is actually just a modified version of Ubuntu
13.04 to begin with. What I mean by that is Sonar is Ubuntu 13.04 with
the Unity desktop replaced by the Gnome desktop, and there are a few
other apps here and there like Empathy replaced with Pidgin etc. It
isn't anything you can't do yourself in Ubuntu 13.04 with a little
time and configuration. Its just with Sonar all the accessibility
installations and configurations are done for you. :D

On 5/14/13, Rusty Perez <rustys lists gmail com> wrote:
ok, well, an update here.
I booted up my ubuntu 12.10 system and it immediately asked me if I
wanted to upgrade to the new release.
I said yes, Orca asked me to type my password, and away we went.
I'm waiting for it to finish now.
Then I'll go back to Thomas's email and see if there's anything there
I can upgrade to make things more accessible.
Please feel free to contribute any tips to make ubuntu 13.4 more
accessible. Including some sort of crossload of sonar if that's

I like the idea of Sonar, and would love to have installed it if my
hardware would have cooperated.

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