[orca-list] A Speech output problem in the terminal

Hey There,

I have just installed the latest version of Debian on my system,
and I seem to have gotten everything set up to my satisfaction,
save for one item. Whilst in the gnome terminal, where I can work
from the command prompt, I have ran into a problem. I am not able
to get Orca to read the screen upon which I am currently working.
I can use the navigation keys in order to read the content of the
screen, but I can not get Orca to read for me the screen its

Take for instance pine or alpine. Orca is completely silent when
ever I press the "i" key for the index, "v" for the view message
feature or "m" for the main screen. It refuses to read the screen
comprehensively from top to bottom. I have checked the speech,
voice, keyboard and every other setting in the gnome preferences
for the terminal by means of "orca + ctrl + space", but have
failed to find the setting that will solve this speech output

At this point, I could really use some input as to what change I
need to effect in order to achieve the aforementioned feedback
results. I would sincerely appreciate any and all suggestions
having to do with the finding of the palliative for this matter.


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