[orca-list] Orca -t does not exit (under xfce)


I am using xubuntu 13.04 (xfce). I wanted to try out orca. I installed orca via apt-get install gnome-orca. Then I wanted to do the setup in console:

 orca -t
Welcome to Orca setup.
Select desired speech server.
1. Default Synthesizer
2. espeak
3. dummy
Enter choice: 1
Enable echo by word?  Enter y or n: y
Enable key echo?  Enter y or n: y
Enable alphanumeric and punctuation keys?  Enter y or n: y
Enable modifier keys?  Enter y or n: y
Enable function keys?  Enter y or n: y
Enable action keys?  Enter y or n: y
Select desired keyboard layout.
1. Desktop
2. Laptop
Enter choice: 1
Enable Braille?  Enter y or n: y
Enable Braille Monitor?  Enter y or n: y
Setup complete.  Press Return to continue.

Now pressing return does nothing!
Also, wenn I start orca by simply typing orca in the console, the speach synthesizer says "welcome to orca". But I do not get any window where I could configure orca.

What could be wrong, what can I do?


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