Re: [orca-list] State of accessibility in GNOME/Others, from an absentee

You may report the bug using
However, the only issue that can be considered a bug or unexpected
behavior is the inability to use the arrow keys on the PC keyboard while
browsing. It is expected that you would not be able to use the "insert"
key on the keypad to perform Orca functions while the numeric lock is
on, because you are attempting to type numbers, and the "insert" key on
the keypad is also the "0" key when the numeric lock is on, creating a
key conflict best resolved by allowing you to type "0" as expected. For
now, the best way to fix this if you use the numeric lock frequently may
be to rebind the Orca modifier key. It is thought that the numeric lock
is only used to enter rather long strings of numbers or within an
editable text field that requires a lot of numeric input, which is why
there are so many functions mapped to numeric keypad keys. I note here
that you will also have no flat review functionality or mouse click
emulation while the numeric lock is on, which is also expected behavior.
One possible solution for all this comes to mind. I defer to the devs on
this one, as I probably won't use it much, and am not sure how
non-trivial it may be to implement, but you could request a feature
whereby the keyboard layout could automatically switch to laptop mode
while the numeric lock is toggled on, thereby giving you all the usual
Orca functionality mapped to the same keys that are used in laptop mode
until the numeric lock is no longer being used, at which time the keymap
would automatically change back to the desktop layout. Hope this helps.
"Kyle? ... She calls her cake, Kyle?"
Out of This World, season 2 episode 21 - "The Amazing Evie"

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