Re: [orca-list] Progress update on the "List of" dialogs

On 02/05/2013 06:44 AM, Hammer Attila wrote:

Basicaly, your concept with CTRL+ALT+Structural navigation letter
is full logical and easy to learning.

Thanks. Something that would be equally easy and less conflict-prone
would be Alt+Shift+Structural navigation letter. In fact, that was my
first choice, and it nearly worked too. Why I liked it:

* Orca is already using Alt+Shift+Arrows for table cell navigation
  which is a type of structural navigation.

* Alt+Shift+Letters does not conflict with any system bindings
  (like the gnome-shell lock binding of Ctrl+Alt+L)

* It doesn't conflict with any other Orca commands for the letters.

* The only place it conflicts is with the numbers. In particular,
  Alt + Shift + 1-6 are the commands for getting "Where am I
  information for this bookmark relative to the current pointer

As you will also see if you read those docs, the conflicting keybindings
are not for the primary bookmark functionality like saving bookmarks or
going to bookmarks. It's for (what I consider) a set of fairly esoteric,
not often needed commands.

So I'm going to ask a question and make a proposal:

Question: Who amongst you actually uses the commands specific to
getting "Where am I information for this bookmark relative to the
current pointer location".


a. Let's unbind those Where Am I bookmark commands.
b. Let's "steal" Alt+Shift+1-6 for the heading by level dialogs.
c. Let's use Alt+Shift+structural navigation letter for the rest.
   (including Alt+Shift+L for the list of lists)
d. Let's use Alt+Shift+K for the list of links


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