Re: [orca-list] Do we need "accessible" Gnu/Linux distros anymore? 13.04 edition! was Re: ubuntu 13.04

Perhaps vinux 4 is better.
But when I tried regular vinux it had lots of unneeded crap and just felt oversimplified. Perhaps I should set up a vm for testing...

On 04/28/13 15:42, Kyle wrote:
According to Bill Dengler(arch Gnu/Linux):
# OK, what about Ubuntu though?

Ubuntu is indeed a great distro with lots of documentation. I still feel
that there is as much of a place for Vinux from the standpoint of
accessibility as there is for regular Ubuntu for both blind and seeing
Linux desktop users. For all intents and purposes, Vinux is Ubuntu
12.04. It just includes a little extra handholding on the screen reader
side, which is very important for some users. It's not dumbed down at
all. Handholding can be very good as a getting started tool.

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