[orca-list] Fwd: [Support] meeting tonight using mumble


I invite you to join us in our weekly audio conference on free software and accessibility. Our meetings begin at 8 PM, Monday, (US Eastern Time); stay as long as you like. Until now, we have used the Ventrilo conferencing system, with most of us using the client called Mangler. We are switching to the use of Mumble, a completely-free audio conferencing system, with stereo sound and text-to-speech notifications and text messaging available. There are Mumble clients for GNU/Linux, Android, OSX and Windows. Note that the Mumble client for GNU/Linux requires the qt-at-spi package be installed, in order to make the client accessible to Orca. If you are running a stock Ubuntu, qt-at-spi is already activated. Otherwise, you will need to add the package from your repositories, then set the QT_ACCESSIBILITY (note case) variable in a startup script like ~/.profile (recommended). I hope you read the instructions below, for setting up the client, and to see you there!


Dave  Hunt

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Support] meeting tonight using mumble
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2012 12:31:56 -0400
From: Jonathan Nadeau <jonathan accessiblefreedom org>
To: support accessiblefreedom org

    Hey list,

we will be having a meeting tonight using mumble. I posted the
instructions on here a few days ago. But if you need them again here
they are.

aFirst you will need to install the Mumble client. If you are running
Debian testing or any Debian based distro mumble will be in the repo. It
is also in the Arch Linux repo. You can also install it in Fedora. If
you need to install on windows or mac here is the link

Mumble also has an Android client just search for Mumble and install.
once you have mumble installed you will need to set it up with this info.

First you will have to start Mumble.
Then press alt and tab and then alt f4 to close the welcome screen.

Now you will have to press alt and the letter s
Now press the left arrow once and then down to connect.
Then press tab to add and hit the spacebar.
Now put in this information.

label; accessiblefreedom

address; mumble.accessiblefreedom.org

port; 31277

user name; is whatever you want it to be.

Then tab to connect.

when you click on connect to server it will ask you if you want to
except the certificate which you do. Then there is one last step. You
will need to go through the audio wizard.

So you will press alt and the letter s and then right arrow once and
then down arrow onto the audio wizard.

You will basicly press enter all the way through but when you get to
push to talk here is where you will want to configure it. While the push
to talk option is checkd you will tab and then press the button or
buttons that you want to use for push to talk.
Then finish the audio wizard.

Then you will be connected and ready to go.

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