Re: [orca-list] Great news for blind gamers

According to Petr Bláha:
# I thing it is not about accessibility. It is about that you want or
# don't want to play games.

I want to play games, but accessible installation without help is extremely important. If I wanted to have to get help every time I wanted to install a game, or any other application for that matter, I might as well be using Windows rather than a GNU/Linux system that I can install independently. It's not about the desire to play games, or to do anything else. Rather, it's about the desire to have the freedom to play games and to do everything else that people with functioning eyes can do, from start to finish, independent of other people.

# If you want to play games, it is not real opstacle for you.

It is indeed a real obstacle for me, and many others as well.

# Someone can simply help you with instalation and after that, you are
# independent, playing is not problem.

Just who is this someone? I have a screen reader on my computer because I want to use it without this undefined someone having to read things for me. Furthermore, many of us don't have a someone who is available at all times to give us help whenever we call for it. If we did have that someone, what would be the point of screen readers, braille displays and the like? Whoever this someone happens to be could just help us use our computers. We are blind and visually impaired. This should not be thought of by anyone as synonymous with dependent in any way, shape, fashion or form.

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