Re: [orca-list] More command line options for your consideration

Hi Joanie,

Well, I don't know if we actually need them, but I've found those command line options rather useful. There have been a number of times where Orca crashed and I did orca -q or orca -f to kill the process and then restarted it. Since I didn't know the process id for Orca I found it helpful to have a quick and easy command to quit orca from the terminal. Perhaps you could keep -q or --quit and remove -f and --forcequit just to simplify things while retaining an easy way to quit Orca without having to use pkill.

On 5/11/2012 6:28 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hey again.

As I continue to work, I continue to think. (Not sure if that's a good
thing or a bad thing, but anyhoo...)

Some historical context: The reasons why we have orca -q/--quit and orca
-f/--forcequit are:

1. We had two processes to run Orca
2. Killing one process (the python orca) by pid wouldn't kill the other
3. pkill -9 and pkill -15 couldn't be used to kill Orca

What we have as of today (in master, modulo nits and such):

1. There is only one process to run Orca.
2. Killing that one process by pid kills it
3. pkill -9 orca and pkill -15 orca each work

So orca -f and orca -q are redundant. We still need replace, but do we
need specialized quit command line options?

Take care.
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