Re: [orca-list] what is the current status with form field accessibility in firefox

How recent is recent? the problem with linux accessibility is i get the impression from reading this list that you almost have to run out of git in order to get something i'd consider useable. The current stable version of epiphany seems to be 3.2.1 on arch. also how do you enable carrot navigation?On 3/20/2012 6:35 AM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hi Deedra.

If you have a recent copy of Epiphany, WebKitGtk, and Orca, and you
enable caret navigation in Epiphany you should find many things to work
including arrowing, text selection, structural navigation, etc. The neat
thing about Epiphany is that when bugs come up that are not Orca bugs,
filing them against WebKitGtk tends to get them fixed. Because of this,
and because WebKitGtk has more reliable caret navigation, we are able to
present the results of native navigation rather than having to implement
it ourselves.

Having said that, Orca's support for Epiphany/WebKitGtk needs more work.
This is something I plan to concentrate on over the next few months. The
current focus this release cycle has been on getting Orca + gnome-shell
working well together, starting to clean up Orca's code, and improve
Orca's performance.

I suppose I should clone myself so that I could get more done. lol.


On Tue, 2012-03-20 at 06:19 -0500, Deedra Waters wrote:
Is epiphany even accessible, and byaccessible i mean does it actually
work? last time i tried using it i got orca to read links but couldn't
read the text couldn't arrow arround the pages and so on so found it
less accessible then firefox if that's possible lol.

On 3/15/2012 5:56 PM, Jason White wrote:
hackingKK<hackingkk gmail com>   wrote:

This is really serious in that case.
I think ff guys have to be informed as early as possible and with a
sense of utmost urgency.
That was done months ago. Patches have since been posted; some of them have
been integrated and there are more on the way. You can follow their progress
by tracking the relevant Mozilla bugs.
For blind users it is really the most crutial bug and the only way
out of it will be to really downgrade.
As it is chromium browser is not accessible so ff is our only choice.
There is also Epiphany-browser based on WebKit GTK. I don't know why it hasn't
received much attention on this list. It has been the subject of extensive
accessibility work.

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