[orca-list] interfaces in ubuntu

When I installed ubuntu I think the default graphic environment is unity. but there is also a unity 2d and a 3 d too...
But you can use gnome too...
so what is the best choice at the moment? is it just a point of personal taste for one or the other?
I must say I don't feel so much for the default graphical environment so I would like to try something else...
another question.
I am suffering from the ubuntu bug of metacity deleting important keystrokes like alt+f4 and so on... I delete che script dir of metacity and weverything comes back to normal, but when some update3 is installed I have to delete the dir again.... well I can live with it, but my question is: how comes no one corrected this bug yet? I thiught in a project like ubuntu relatively severe problems got corrected quite soon?

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