Re: [orca-list] Orca preferences dialog redesign

I think there's too much tab clutter in the dialog right now. The key echo and pronunciation tabs should get merged into the speech tab. The key echo tab is also a bit of a mess, some options seem obsolete like the echo by character option, and some options need to be explained or their names made clearer, like action, function, and non-spacing diacritical keys. The help system isn't very accessible, at least on the 3.1.91xdesktop version I'm using, although I'm not sure if that's an Orca or a Gnome problem. Finally, the window takes a lot of time to show up, save, and exit on my computer, but I'm not sure if that's just a localized thing. If it isn't, it'd be nice if that could be fixed as well.

That's about it, for me, at least. Thanks for the effort, we all appreciate it.

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