Re: [orca-list] extreme orca buggyness in 3.2

It's not so slow exactly, but it's got a habbit of doing some pretty interesting crashing when it hangs in thunderbird. I don't know why this is exactly, but i do know that the system "may" be slow after what i saw today, because i can't force orc a to restart from my keystroke to kill speech dispatcher then restart orca.On 09/29/2011 11:15 PM, Hammer Attila wrote:

Deedra, you not similar issue experienced with Thunderbird 7.0 and Orca
Unfortunately, when Orca is running my Oneiric testing system and I
launch Thunderbird, I experienced very slow responsiveness with Orca and
Thunderbird improvement, and my entire system are unresponsive.
Unfortunately I doesn't found any workaround to temporary resolve this
issue until this problem is fixed.


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