Re: [orca-list] Possibly Forking Gnome 2

On Tue, Sep 06, 2011 at 09:49:57AM EST, Thomas Ward wrote:
In addition to Orca there is something else that is worth discussing.
Early on in the Gnome 2 development they developed gnome-speech for
handling speech drivers. Later gnome-speech was replaced by
speech-dispatcher. While I understand the change, especially for Gnome
3, I've found certain gnome-speech drivers work better. Take something
like Cepstral Swift drivers. With gnome-speech Cepstral voices are
fast and responsive. Use the generic Swift support in
speech-dispatcher and speech is slow and choppy. With that in mind
there would be some advantage to continuing gnome-speech development
and support since it is still compatible with Gnome 2.

Wouldn't it be better to develope proper speech-dispatcher drivers for the Cepstral range of voices? Last I 
checked, all the necessary headers come with the cepstral voices when you buy them, and their API si well 


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